In the June 2007 Newsletter
In the News / Are You Going with The Flow? / Upcoming Events
In the News
Check out the upcoming July 2007 issue of Speaker magazine and read Theresa's article, "Speaking as Your Pursuit of Passionate Purpose." You'll learn about the proven four-stage process for success in personal and professional pursuits.
Go with the Flow
Did you know that going with the flow can help you produce extraordinary revenue streams and results? How do you do this? The answer lies in using one of the six success strategies: the Polarity Strategy.
Polarities which are interdependent opposites are part of everything in life. People mention tensions between their head and heart, between making a living (pay) and making a difference (purpose), between family and work, and a thousand other flip-flop polarities. Organizations and their leaders may experience polarities also such as planning and action, centralizing and decentralizing, individual and team, and many others.
When there is a reoccurring dilemma that appears to be unsolvable, it may actually be a polarity to manage rather than a problem to solve. Then the key is to use the Polarity Strategy: honor opposites in life and encourage dynamic movement between interdependent poles. When two or more poles are working together in harmony, the result is more energy, stability, and flow. The following are some examples on how others "Go With The Flow" to get results.
Consider one of my clients, an entrepreneurial, fast-growing teleconferencing company. They were doing lots of things right and yet as they hit the $5 million revenue mark, they experienced limitations limitations that hindered them from their goal of skyrocketing into a $100 million company. They encountered, like many fast-growing firms, challenges in managing a key polarity: being a flexible, creative, opportunistic endeavor that is also a systematic, structured organization with clear processes and procedures. How could they get the upside of both poles and continue their exponential revenue growth?
The answer came from using the Polarity Strategy (see Ch. 7 in Pursuit of Passionate Purpose). They had over-emphasized the formless, creative, entrepreneurial pole to the neglect of systems, processes, and structure. The solution came from taking the right action. Technology and Management Solutions facilitated their team in establishing certain key processes which aligned with their innovative, people-oriented values. Managing this polarity in a way that allowed them to experience the upside of both poles (being entrepreneurial while still having some structure) brought extraordinary results: the revenue growth they were seeking. This positioned them for acquisition within the next two years by a larger, global teleconferencing firm.
Recently I experienced the Work / Life polarity. After working hard for the month of May on some interesting new work with a number of clients, I finally came home after being on the road. I didn't realize how tired I was until I stopped. While eating a leisurely breakfast for a change and reading the paper, I noticed an ad discount airline tickets to Alaska. As I read more, a tear rolled down my cheek. My heart cried out, you need a vacation in nature with your family.
The universe, serendipity, synchronicity, or whatever you want to call it provided an opportunity for me to take the necessary action and better manage this polarity. The right flights to fit into our crowded summer schedules were actually available. I booked the vacation knowing that destiny must be at work. I realized that all work and no play had been producing an out-of-balance, close-to-burned out, not-as-productive, somewhat irritable Theresa (i.e., the downside of an over-emphasis on the Work pole). Now looking forward to this hard-earned reward puts a smile on my face and allows me to more easily go with the flow to experience the upside of both working hard and playing hard.
F. Find your polarity. What polarity in your work or life needs attention? |
L. Learn. What are the two poles? Are you experiencing the downside of an over-emphasis on one pole to the neglect of the other pole? Are you stuck so that you are not naturally flowing between poles? |
O. Oscillate. Become aware of what actions would allow a dynamic movement between the poles. |
W. Watch it Work. As you observe the polarity at work (or not at work), take the necessary actions so that there is a healthy, rhythm and flow between poles. |
Upcoming Public Events
Monday, July 9, 2007. Theresa becomes incoming Chair of the Consultants PEG (Professional Experts Group) of the National Speakers Association. Her role begins with the PEG session at the NSA national conference in San Diego. 1:00 - 3:30 PM PDT.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007. Experience Theresa's mega-session on "Going with the Flow: How managing your polarities can produce extraordinary revenue streams." 3:30 - 5:00 PM PDT at the NSA national conference in San Diego. Learn more at
July 2007. Theresa is a judge for the prestigious Esprit Entrepreneur Awards, the October event which honors Boulder County's hottest entrepreneurial ventures.
Expand Your Horizons
Learn the secrets to exceptional customer service and share your own customer experiences good and bad at my blog,
Mark your calendars and attend the Gazelles Fall Growth Summit in Las Vegas, October 23-24, 2007. Visit for more information and register with Theresa ( so you're invited to her special opening night reception. Then hear seven of the best thought leaders in the industry including:
GEOFFREY MOORE, author of five books, including: Dealing With Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution, Crossing the Chasm, Inside the Tornado, and Living on the Fault Line. |
ROBERT CIALDINI, Ph.D., author of the perennial bestseller: Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion. |
Go with the Flow to New Heights in Profit, Productivity, and Passion!
Theresa M. Szczurek, Ph.D.
CEO, Consultant, Business Coach, and Speaker
Technology and Management Solutions, LLC
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