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Introducing the Book


Ten practices to turn a good life into a great life and reap real rewards

"The structured program, detailed in this book, will be a great help to those who are intent on finding the career that will get rid of the Do I have to go to work today? syndrome."

Don VanLandingham
Retired Chairman and CEO
Ball Aerospace

Upcoming Events

January 23, 2025
FREE Lightning Session: Create Your Future. Led by Dr. Theresa Szczurek. 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM MT. Location: Boulder Rural Fire Rescue, 6320 Lookout Road, Boulder. To register, RSVP to Learn more at BPW of Colorado.

January 27, 2025
Private Directors Association. Social at the Marriott DTC. 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM MT. Meet other like-minded executives serving on private corporate boards. Register now.